Unconference Schedule 2018

When is it?

As with previous years’ TKFs, once again we will hold a set of concurrent Unconference sessions on the Day 2 of TKF on Friday, May 4 2018, from 2pm-5pm in rooms BA1220, BA1230 and  BA1240.

Tentative Schedule





2:30 pm Back to Basics: What do you need from Basis and Reference Groups in UTORGrouper? (Jin/Matt/Pete) Project management (Farah Ally) I’ve been compromised. Now what? (David Auclair)
3:00 pm Changes to TLS and certificates and how it will affect you (Mike Wiseman) Lean Six Sigma in IT (Robin Wilcoxen) O365 integration possibilities and plans, with Microsoft’s Graph API (Dan Pettigrew)
3:30 pm Active Directory as used at U of T (Leo Ting) Information risk (Sue McGlashan) Containers (Ted Sikorski)
4:00 pm Professional Development for IT staff (Pete) Can useful meetings only happen in 1 hour slots? (Russ) Managing large numbers of (Virtual) Machines (Steven)
4:30 pm Research Computing (John Di Marco) Making Presentations (Russ) SCCM vs KASE (Tarrah)


Unconference Rules

1. The people who come are the best people who could have come.

2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have happened.

3. It starts when it starts.

4. It’s over when it’s over.

5. The Law of Two Feet (“If you are not learning or contributing to a talk or presentation or discussion it is your responsibility to find somewhere where you can contribute or learn”)


Call for Topics and Moderators

We are soliciting topics of interest for these sessions ahead of time to make the sessions run smoothly but also make sure that those with subject matter expertise (where needed) can be there as well.
We are taking a leap of faith in each other and in our colleagues to provide as useful and worthwhile an experience as possible. To this end, we seek ideas for topics of interest that you would be interested in attending, either as a participant or a facilitator.

Proposed Topics (more to come)

  • Changes to TLS and certificates and how it will affect you (Mike Wiseman)
  • O365 integration possibilities and plans, with Microsoft’s Graph API (Dan Pettigrew)
  • Information risk (Sue McGlashan)
  • I’ve been compromised. Now what? (David Auclair)
  • Containers (Ted Sikorski)
  • Project management (Farah Ally)
  • Active Directory as used at U of T (Leo Ting)
  • Can useful meetings only happen in 1 hour slots? (Open)
  • Lean Six Sigma in IT (Robin Wilcoxen)
  • Back to Basics: What do you need from Basis and Reference Groups in UTORGrouper? (Jin/Matt/Pete)
  • Managing large numbers of (Virtual) Machines (Open)
  • Professional Development for IT Staff (Open)

Contact Us

If you have a topic in mind that interests you, please let us know at unconference.tkf@utoronto.ca. We’re also looking for facilitators for the sessions — remember that you don’t need to be a subject matter expert, and that sometimes the best sessions come out of questions the facilitator might ask. The updated set of topics will be posted on the TKF web site.
Have a great TechKnowFile!
Pete St. Onge
(on behalf of the Unconference team)