TKF Photos & Highlights

TechKnowFile University 2016 took off last week after receiving the highest registrant turnout to date (800+ participants!). The conference saw a dynamic lineup of presenters, panelists and tutorial leads, who invited their audiences to think and learn about all things IT. The sessions generated interest and excitement, apparent during each breakout session where participants had the chance to chat with colleagues and friends about what they learned. Of course the delicious breakout snacks and lunch also delighted TechKnowFile-goers. The featured speakers at Convocation Hall on Day 1 & 2 spoke about challenges and opportunities in IT and higher education. The event closed with a rallying speech by University of Toronto’s retiring Chief Information Officer, Bob Cook, and was followed by the coveted Prize Giveaway! Thank you to all the partners & sponsors, presenters, leaders and participants for making ‪‎TKF‬ a wonderful event.

UofT‬ can view photographs from TechKnowFile University 2016 here:
