TechKnowFile Registration is Now Open!


We are pleased to announce the opening of the TechKnowFile 2017 conference registration.  The full program for the conference is now available. We invite the community to review the program then proceed to the TechKnowFile Conference Registration page.

Can you be IT savvy and athletic?
Yep! Join #TKF17 and attend exclusive activities at the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre. When you register for TKF, you can sign-up for free activities at U of T Scarborough’s Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre. Learn more.

What’s on for TechKnowFile 2017?

This year, Bruce Kidd, Vice-President U of T and Principal UTSC will open TechKnowFile conference, followed by a keynote address by Michael Kaiser of the National Cyber Security Alliance on the topic of “Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity”.

The TechKnowFile 2017 organizing team is pleased to offer a variety of presentations and tutorials for this year’s program, including a fun game of Cybersecurity Jeopardy, an AODA Discussion Panel and exclusive sponsor presentations by Huawei, Dell, Shop3D, ColdFrontLabs and EPSON.

We would like to thank the community for the overwhelming response to the Call for Participation!

Registration is now open and will close on April 17, 2017.

We look forward to welcoming you to the conference on April 26th and 27th! To learn more about TechKnowFile, please go to the About section at this link:

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